Project Description
We are currently working with Global Integrity, as the Learning Partner on the Transparency and Accountability Initiative’s (TAI) Data Use for Accountability Initiative in Nigeria, and with relevant stakeholders: the Open Society Foundations Fiscal Governance Program, the MacArthur Foundation, the TAI secretariat, the Public and Private Development Centre (PPDC), and Human and Environmental Development Agenda Resource Centre (HEDA), as well as other stakeholders in Nigeria working on data for accountability issues – to better explore and generate evidence on how to most effectively use data, and support the use of data, to tackle corruption.
We are undertaking a comparative desk analysis of data-driven initiatives in Nigeria; Developing and prioritizing learning questions for the initiative; We are also involved in the designing and facilitating of regular learning activities, especially for and with the PPDC and HEDA Resources; We are supporting the collection of data and analysis relevant to developed learning questions; Consult and engage with grantees in conducting key learning and evaluation activities related to TAI’s learning questions; and will be developing actionable learning and synthesis products to share with a broader audience, including TAI members and others interested in data for accountability efforts.