Project Description

We are conducting the Capitalization Survey on a Training Program in Maiduguri- Borno State for the Alliance for International Medical Action (ALIMA). The capitalization work involves the compilation and classification of all training resources (terms of reference, profile of trainers, list of participants, training module (training materials), supervision guide, post-training pre and post training questionnaire, practical training, supervision, post- training follow-up visits etc.); and the creation of a repertoire of all trainers and trainees (health facilities where they work between the date of their training and the present date, profession, position, emails, phone numbers, gender etc.)

The capitalization survey also involves creation of the training methodology (from the needs assessment – including the selection process of the trainees and trainers – to the final evaluation) and we’ll be documenting the changes made to this methodology over the course of the project and we’ll conduct a survey to find out what has happened to the trainees 6, 12 and 24 months after the training, what impact the programme has had on their care practice, what differences exist between health structures involved in the training program, identification of the the strengths and weaknesses of the training programme at the end of this capitalisation process, as well as the best practices and lessons learned to adjust the program.

We’ll be submitting a Survey Report also as a key deliverable of this project.

Over the years, we have garnered robust experience in successfully providing relevant Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning services for Multilateral and bilateral funded projects on Health in Nigeria and Africa. Some of our projects in the health sector are the: Sightsavers UK End of Project Evaluation of the Nigeria Child Eye Healthcare Project in Sokoto, Zamfara, Niger, and Kano states – Rotary International Action Group for Reproductive Maternal & Child Health Nation-wide Family Planning Campaign Nigeria” in Nigeria; the Formative evaluation of Together for Healthy Families in Nigeria; Strengthening the capacity of PEPFAR (U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief) – USAID Implementers in 5 states in Nigeria around MEL Activities; and the strengthening the capacity of USAID Health Technical Teams in 4 States.